Top 10 Best Yoga Poses Every Day for Beginners Guide 

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1. Child's Pose

This foundational pose can be relaxing and serves as a great reset during class.

Downward facing dog may be one of the first poses you'll learn in any yoga class, since it is an important part of many yoga practices.

2. Downward Facing Dog

Another favorite pose of Rayburn's, this one is great for stretching the lower body and opening up the chest.

3. Low Lunge

This pose, also common  in sun salutations, is ideal for improving posture as backbends are  great for counteracting prolonged sitting.

4. Cobra Pose

This powerful pose is great for strengthening the legs, arms and core.

5. Chair Pose

This empowering pose  increases balance and strength. If you can't reach your fingertips all  the way to the ground, consider utilizing a yoga block.

6. Extended Side Angle Pose

Great for opening the hips, this popular yoga pose targets the lower body and can provide a fantastic stretch.

7. Pigeon Pose

Another popular backbend, this pose can help improve posture and also relieve lower back pain.

8. Bridge Pose

Not only does this standing yoga pose help improve your balance and coordination, but it also focuses on posture and alignment.

9. Tree Pose

This grounding pose is  all about relaxation and quieting the mind. If you feel any tension  under your lower back, consider placing a rolled-up blanket beneath your  knees.

10. Corpse Pose