How Cristiano Ronaldo keeps himself fit workout Routine

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Height: 6’1” Weight: 81 kg Chest: 42 inches Arms: 14 inches Waist: 32  inches

Vital Stats

Latest Manchester United No. 7 had to make an attempt at a young age with a potentially career-ending emergency. Since then, he focuses on his fitness.

Cristiano’s Fitness History

The cryotherapy device provides minus-160 degree temperature, which helps her muscles to recover quickly. It also strengthens them.

Cryotherapy ice chamber

A footballer needs to be able to stabilise their body in order to  change momentum. Which is why Ronaldo’s Friday workouts look at  improving his stability and core muscles through various movements.

Cristiano Ronaldo’s Fitness Routine

The high-impact nature of football makes athletes more vulnerable to physical damage. In such cases, a good warm-up improves your preparation, which in turn changes the quality of your performance.

Warmup: Lower Body Warm-up

Barbell Squat - 8 Reps Box Jumps - (20 inches, 10 reps) Broad Jump (8 reps) Jumping Lunge (8 reps, each leg) Lateral Bound ( 12 inches, 10 reps)

Monday’s Leg Crusher

After a strenuous Monday workout, Cristiano rests on Tuesdays.


Burpee Pullup (reps: 10-15) Bench Dips (reps: 20) Pushups (reps: 20-30) Medicine Ball Toss (reps: 15) Push Press (reps: 10)

Wednesday’s Push

On Thursdays, Cristiano Ronaldo pushes his limits with power cleans  and sprints. This strengthens his quads as well as builds his  cardiovascular fitness.

Thursday’s Quad Buster

A footballer needs to be able to stabilise their body in order to  change momentum. Which is why Ronaldo’s Friday workouts look at  improving his stability and core muscles through various movements.

Friday’s Total Body Balance

The second day of rest falls on Saturday.


– Rope Jumping (sets: 10, rest: 1 min) – Resistance Sprinting (sets: 10, reps: 50 meters) He ends the week with a short but intense cardio session.

Sunday’s Cardio