Factors to Consider When Designing a Female Fat Loss Workout Plan

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Let us review the proper way to design a fat loss workout plan for women.

Compound exercises such as squats and bench presses are beneficial because they can help you maintain or even gain strength even if you’re eating in a calorie deficit.

1. Exercise selection

When you’re eating fewer calories than you’re used to, you need to train with the goal of preserving as much lean muscle mass as possible. This typically means training with rep ranges in the 5-10 or 10-15 range, depending on the exercise.

2. Training volume

When you first start a fat loss phase, you may not notice such a decrease in energy. You can continue training at a high intensity without giving up halfway through your workouts.

3. Training intensity

Maintaining a training frequency of 4-5 days per week is beneficial during a fat loss phase to prevent the loss of muscle mass. 

4. Training frequency

Experienced lifters will likely have a good idea of what weights to start with when beginning a new workout plan. 

5. Load management

Proper recovery during a fat loss phase is key. Since you won’t be eating as many calories, you may find that you’re more sore than usual or that a workout that was once easy is now challenging to get through.

6. Recovery