Arnold Schwarzenegger shares five tips for training and nutrition

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Arnold Schwarzenegger, probably the most famous fitness idol in the world, shares five tips on how to get more out of your training and diet - and they're surprisingly simple.

According to Arnold, basic exercises like squats and deadlifts should occur "repeatedly" on the schedule. He also recommends: Regularly increase either the weight, the time of repetitions, or the number of repetitions of an exercise.

1. Log your training sessions

Schwarzenegger isn't a fan of using your smartphone to train -- even if you use it to log your achievements. Listening to music is okay, but the smartphone can quickly become a distraction.

2. Turn off your smartphone when exercising

It is probably the oldest tip for muscle building: eat more protein. Arnold says to focus on the simple things: "Every time you eat something, make sure it has protein in it."

3. Every meal should contain a protein source

4. Eat more vegetables

If you want to do something long term, the most important thing is: have fun. Life is all about routine. Success is not magic, it comes from doing something every day.

5. Find a routine that you can stick to over the long term